“Roger had a great time today and told me his favorite part was going for a swim and riding down the slide. It ended up being a pretty cool first match event for both of us,” commented James Maynard after spending a warm September afternoon at the Irvine Ranch Outdoor Educational Center. James and his Little Brother, Roger, were matched on July 7, 2018 through Big Brothers Big Sisters. During their first hangouts, they spent the majority of their time together outdoors. Big Brothers Big Sisters signature summer event was the ideal chance for them to continue to get to know each other.
This year’s event also drew several hundred Bigs and Littles who were eager to share a fun-filled Sunday afternoon together.
“He’s such an outgoing kid with a big personality that others naturally want to hang out with him,” James said of his Little Brother.
The day afforded various opportunities for matches like James and Roger to meet new people and try something new. Those in attendance could participate in several different types of activities such as panning for gold or embarking on a scavenger hunt. “We knew it was a big event and didn’t want to miss out on a chance to get outside and be active with Caesar” said William Teter, who serves as a Big Couple alongside his wife, Katie. “It’s at events like these where we can really help Caesar come out of his shell.”
Big Brother Paul Dito shared a similar sentiment. For him and his Little Brother, Jose, the Ranch was just one of many match events the pair have enjoyed together.
“We try to go to as many match events as possible. It’s great for both of us,” Paul said. “I get to meet other Bigs and Jose has a chance to make new friends with kids his age.”