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Beyond School Walls Spotlight: PIMCO Employees Mentor High School Students

Beyond School Walls Spotlight: PIMCO Employees Mentor High School Students

Beyond School Walls Spotlight: PIMCO Employees Mentor High School Students

For many high school students, college and careers are topics briefly mentioned in a classroom then buried underneath standard curriculum in subjects like math, science, language arts and history. Between studying for seven different classes and demands of family life, the conversation of future plans can be a confusing one for many kids ages 14 to 18.

Big Brothers Big Sisters’ Beyond School Walls program expands this conversation and allows students to focus on college readiness and career exploration with working professionals as their mentors. Through our program, a local corporation is matched with a high school; approximately 20 students (Littles) are then matched with employees (Bigs/mentors) and visit the company’s office once a month for the duration of the academic school year.

Launched in 2013, Big Brothers Big Sisters’ first Orange County Beyond School Walls corporate partner was PIMCO. Students at El Sol Science & Arts Academy of Santa Ana met with their mentors at PIMCO and followed a custom curriculum from BBBS that highlighted post-high school goals. The cohort of El Sol Littles has since graduated, but PIMCO continues as an outstanding Beyond School Walls partner with students from Samueli Academy in Santa Ana who meet at the company’s Newport Beach office.

Being in a real working environment is a key factor of the program. It not only gives Littles a better understanding of professional opportunities, but it also sparks conversation about how to turn their interests into a career.

In addition to the corporate offices, Beyond School Walls matches also visit a college together as part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters curriculum. A campus tour is the final meeting of the academic year for matches and serves as a wrap-up of everything they discussed.

Last month, PIMCO mentors and their Samueli Littles took a guided tour of Cal State Fullerton. For many of the Littles, it was their first time being on a college campus. They were surprised and excited to see there was a recreation center with a pool; a student union with several fast food spots; and a wellness center with many resources and services available.

Throughout the tour, PIMCO mentors had the opportunity to share their own college experience as well as the steps they took to graduate and land their dream job. Because Littles had developed relationships with their mentors throughout the year, many students opened up about what scares them most when it comes to their own futures.

One Little mentioned his concern about the cost of a college education and his mentor showed support by talking about the challenges he faced and ways to overcome them. Conversations like the one between this PIMCO mentor and his mentee may seem small, but resonate deeply with the youth in our programs.

That day, other inspiring conversations ranged from Littles already planning to start their own club on campus to mentors who came from out-of-state talking to their Littles about opportunities that abound outside of Orange County.

Though this was the last outing for PIMCO mentors and Samueli students for the 2015-16 school year, they have more to look forward to on the horizon, including tours to a UC campus as juniors and a private university as seniors.

Thank you to PIMCO and all of our Beyond School Walls partners for an impactful 2015-16 school year!
