BIG News: We’ve launched our new recruitment campaign!

BIG News: We’ve launched our new recruitment campaign!

BIG News: We’ve launched our new recruitment campaign!

Recruiting Bigs helps us better serve our real target, Littles. You’ve heard me mention before that recruiting men to be mentors can be like trying to hit a moving target – the need for male mentors is great. We are proud to introduce our #HowtoBig campaign.

We addressed the two biggest obstacles keeping a man from enrolling in our programs: activities to enjoy with your Little and time commitment.

For most guys, having enough time is by far the biggest hurdle of becoming a mentor. We get it. You’re busy. You have work to do, family to love, and beer to drink. But think about it… How much time do you spend watching TV? Checking social media?

59% of 18-34 year old guys admit to spending more than four hours a month on similar activities like playing video games. Here’s the kicker. You can still make a difference playing video games! Little Brothers don’t need a lot; their favorite gift is just your time.

The fact is, being awesome has never been easier – play videogames, go to lunch, or try bowling. Sharing your favorite activities with your Little makes an impact. Sixty percent of Littles are the first in their family to graduate high school, last year, 100 percent of our Littles graduated from high school, 83 percent enrolled in college, and 100 percent attributed their college aspirations to their mentor. Those are BIG numbers.

Never underestimate your ability to make someone’s future brighter, even your own. Mentoring looks great on resumes, and candidates who volunteer with kids are 88% more likely to get that coveted interview.

65% of men want to look back on their lives and say they’ve made a positive impact. So start where you are. Use what you have. And do what you can.

A few hours will change a life. Visit today to get started!

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