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High School Bigs of the Year 2018

High School Bigs of the Year 2018

High School Bigs of the Year 2018

A pair of outstanding student mentors from the High School Bigs program were recently honored as the Big Brother and Big Sister of the Year at the annual Angelitos De Oro awards luncheon.

Eduardo and Destinee were selected from a group of more than 30 applicants. Each received an award plaque along with a $1,000 scholarship for college. In addition, they will also have their names engraved on the Angelitos Award wall at the Big Brothers Big Sisters office.

Eduardo spent the past three years as a mentor at Diamond Elementary. He will be attending California State University, Fullerton to study business with a concentration in real estate.

Destinee served as a mentor for two years at Kennedy Elementary. She plans on attending University of Rochester in New York where she will double major in biology and gender and women studies.


Eduardo, Matched with Little Brother Ernesto

“Ernesto and I have been paired for the past two years. At first, he was very shy and I knew it was going to take time and patience to break him out of his shell. Once a few months passed, he started getting comfortable and working with me in the group activities. His reading skills have improved because we always practice. He is also more confident with himself and speaks to more students. This program has also helped me connect and unite with this beautiful community we have here in Santa Ana. Throughout my life, I have been to five different schools, moved to different cities, and experienced things that people find hard to believe when I tell them. All these experiences have influenced me to help as many young kids as I can because I never want to see a kid go through the same struggles as me.”


Destinee, Matched with Little Sister Destiny

“It was our common goal of wanting to better our education that established my relationship with Destiny on a more personal level. I was able to understand her dreams and aspirations of wanting to be a doctor and having no one to look up to or say it was possible. I became her proof. When she was having a hard week and couldn’t focus on her work, I asked what was wrong and listed to her. I showed her coping mechanisms for when she felt life was too much and wanted to just be a kid. When she missed her father, I helped her through it. I held her hand and supported her in every moment. The program has taught me how to use my voice to guide others in the community. I’m able to see the active change I’m making in the life of my little.”


Thank you to Angelitos de Oro for recognizing these outstanding students and supporting the High School Bigs program!

