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Match of the Month: November 2017

Match of the Month: November 2017

Match of the Month: November 2017

Meet the Match

Before coming to Big Brothers Big Sisters, 15-year-old Eduardo was missing a positive role model in his life. His older brother was incarcerated; his father was always working; and he was bullied at school. Eduardo started rebelling against his mother and arguing with his younger brother.   

He needed a mentor.

Big Brothers Big Sisters matched Eduardo with Big Brother Sergio in July 2016.

When he was a kid, Sergio also didn’t have anyone he could look up to, but found joy in playing sports with his friends and attending professional games. He used his own childhood as inspiration for outings with Little Brother Eduardo.

Since being matched, they have played tennis and basketball at the park and attended Dodgers baseball and USC football games together.

Bonding through sports over the past year helped their relationship grow in other areas. Eduardo opened up to Sergio about his struggles with school and his goal to become an engineer one day. Now, they study together and have plans to visit college campuses.

Sergio’s presence and guidance has given Eduardo the role model he always needed. 

Join Sergio in being a mentor today! Click here to take your first step in changing a future.
