Meet the Match
Hannah came to Big Brothers Big Sisters looking to support and be present for someone who needed guidance. She knows the importance of having a mentor—for her, that person was her mother. Growing up, she witnessed her mother face obstacles and overcome each hurdle. She considers her mother a major influence in her adult life; having her as an example helped Hannah balance a full-time job, internship and classes while she earned her degree from San Diego State University.
Earlier this year, Hannah joined Big Brothers Big Sisters to form a long-lasting friendship and connection with a local child facing adversity.
This was the exact type of connection that Marisol, Litzhy’s mother, was seeking for her daughter.
After being diagnosed in 2009 with leukemia, Litzhy fell behind in school and found herself having to play catch-up with other students. She was often bullied and didn’t participate in any extracurricular activities. Marisol wanted Litzhy to have a mentor who could encourage her to reach her goals and experience new places and things.
Since being matched, Ariadna, their match support specialist, said that having a mentor like Hannah has been an instrumental part of Litzhy’s ability to grow and move forward.
“Litzhy was shy and depressed when matched … [but now it] seems that Litzhy has the confidence she once lacked.” —Ariadna Aragon, Match Support Specialist
Join Hannah in being a mentor today! Click here to take your first step in changing a future.
– Written by Karol Perdomo