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New Match: Andrew and Angel

New Match: Andrew and Angel

New Match: Andrew and Angel

Little Brother: Angel

Angel, 10, wanted someone to spend time with and take him to places he has never been before. His mother heard about the program through her aunt, and felt Angel could benefit from having a positive male role model in his life. A mentor would provide Angel with someone he can confide in and share new experiences with. He was hoping to be matched with a Big Brother who is nice, cool and outdoorsy.


Big Brother: Andrew

Andrew learned about Big Brothers Big Sisters through a pair of friends who are currently involved as mentors in the program.

Andrew is laid-back and enjoys helping others. He feels it’s a good time to volunteer because he recently retired. He admires children for their genuine excitement about the world and lack of any preconceived notions toward others. Andrew wants to teach a child about the importance of confidence, values and self-work.


Andrew and Angel were matched on July 16, 2018.

Both love computers, going to the park and watching movies. They plan on seeing each other twice a month on weekends. The pair can’t wait to make new memories on their outings together!

New friendships—like Angel and Andrew’s—would not be possible without the ongoing support of Big Brothers Big Sisters’ community of Match Makers. Big Brothers Big Sisters has hundreds of youth on the wait list who are ready for a mentor. Monthly contributions from Match Makers helps start lifelong friendships for these youth and supports them to create generational change.


Interested in joining our community of Match Makers? Click here to get started.

For more information or if you have any questions about Match Makers, please contact Tivoli Jensen at or 714.426.5615.
