Little Brother: Noah
Noah, 10, has experienced many life changes. His parents separated when he was young and his dad moved out of state. Last year, his mom remarried and Noah now has three stepsiblings.
A mentor would provide the stability and trust Noah needed in his life. So last October, Noah and his mom came to Big Brothers Big Sisters. He was hoping to matched with someone who is funny, active and friendly.
Big Brother: Mike
Mike discovered Big Brothers Big Sisters while attending a networking event.
The eldest of three brothers, Mike is dependable, easygoing and gives solid advice. After hearing about the need for mentors to boys on the wait list, he was inspired to sign up. He wants to be there to help a kid with things like how to bowl a strike or how to be a good friend.
Mike and Noah were matched on Jan. 30, 2018.
Both love being outdoors and playing sports. They’re looking forward to their very first outing next week to ride bikes on the boardwalk at Newport Beach.
New friendships—like Mike and Noah’s—would not be possible without the ongoing support of Big Brothers Big Sisters’ community of Match Makers.
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For more information or if you have any questions about Match Makers, please contact Tivoli Jensen at or 714.426.5615.