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High School Bigs: Summer Leadership Summit

High School Bigs: Summer Leadership Summit

High School Bigs: Summer Leadership Summit

Written by Amy, High School Bigs club president and Big Sister

My name is Amy, and I have had the honor and privilege of serving as a High School Big while attending Orange Lutheran High School for the past two years.

As an incoming student to Orange Lutheran, I wanted to participate in the High School Bigs program more than anything. The program had yet to be established at my school, so I decided to make the effort to start a club at my new high school. It has since become so successful!

From that time, I have grown so much–both in my leadership skills in my role as club president and a Big Sister. I love my Little and the program more with each passing year.

At the Summit

This past summer, I was excited to attend the incredible High School Bigs Leadership Summit.

The summit is an event held by the Big Brothers Big Sisters agency. High School Bigs club leaders from all over Orange County are invited to attend.

At the summit, a group of us were met by members of the Big Brothers Big Sisters enrollment team, and from there, we participated in many teamwork strengthening and leadership building activities.

From trying to untangle ourselves from a giant knot to racing one another in various relay games, we were able to come together as young leaders and empower one another.

Another important part of the day was the opportunity to network with one another to support each other in our clubs. It was a rare chance for us to do something like this, as during the school year we attend different schools and have different schedules. It was something I found so amazing and helpful. I left the day not only with improved teamwork and leadership skills, but also strong connections with other students.

It was truly important and meaningful to be able to fully understand the concept of utilizing teamwork to obtain success, and to see firsthand that this requires listening and communicating well with one another.

I am looking forward to bringing these lessons learned at the summit back to my High School Bigs club. Having this backbone of how to effectively and personally work with others in our age group will help us to grow and be successful as a group; both on-site with our Littles, and off-site at our club meetings.

The Summer Leadership Summit was an invaluable experience, and I am extremely excited to continue to give back through an organization that I am so passionate about.

Learn more about High School Bigs by clicking here.
