Big Brothers Big Sisters' Response to COVID19
Update as of May 8, 2020: While we all miss in-person connection, the safety of our Bigs, Littles and families is our organization’s number one priority. We previously issued a strong recommendation for traditional program matches to avoid in-person outings and physical contact. That recommendation is now extended — for the duration of summer, communication between Bigs and Littles will remain virtual. We will be updating all traditional program matches on or before Sept. 8 with guidelines as we head into fall.
Virtual Mentorship
Mentors are protecting the most vulnerable through this crisis: our children.
They are our hidden heroes, fighting back against the crippling effects of isolation that include depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. For youth already at-risk of disconnection, existing stressors are also made worse as their families struggle with loss of wages and lack of access to educational resources and technology.
The consistency, guidance and connection provided by our mentors is more important than ever.
Here are a few ways we continue to support mentorship and encourage virtual connection at Big Brothers Big Sisters:
Webinar orientations and online interviews for new volunteers to match our wait list kids
Weekly outreach and support to 4,000+ matches, including volunteers and families
Retraining mentors to virtually engage with Littles safely and with intention
Connecting families to resources to ensure access to education, including WiFi and tech support
Zoom sessions to continue developing leadership skills of our High School Bigs volunteers
Collaborating with school districts for our mentors to hold academic sessions for Littles