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The Blake Johnson Alliance Big Futures Alumni Program in partnership with YPO empowers every young person on a path to:

  • Graduate High School
  • Pursue a plan for their future – Enrollment, Employment, Enlistment, Entrepreneurship
  • Improve their well-being, including access to basic needs, housing, and mental health support

with a mentor whose impact will last a lifetime.


  • UC Irvine
  • Cal State Fullerton
  • Chapman College
  • Orange Coast College
  • Cypress College
  • Fullerton College
  • UC Riverside
  • Cal Baptist University
  • Cal State San Bernardino
  • Riverside Community College District
  • San Bernardino Community College District


Build a friendship with a positive role model & someone to look up to

Get an inside look at the College Experience

Receive advice & support to help you prepare for college or career

Earn community service volunteer hours

In addition to mentoring, students have access to wide array of additional supports, including a basic needs scholarship fund. Workshop topics include:


Mentors in different occupations at the corporate partner talk about their job duties and share their professional journey.

Elevator Pitch​

Good verbal communication is one of the most in-demand soft skills. Mentees develop a quick, compelling synopsis of their background and experience that they can use when they introduce themselves to career connections.

Networking 101 Workshop​

Mentees learn the importance of networking and different networking opportunities that can help them achieve their professional goals with the help of their mentors.

Conflict Management Techniques

Conflict management can be an active force that will allow mentees to grow healthy relationships within their colleagues which can ultimately result in effective productivity.


Matches learn about their potential overlapping identities and experiences to understand the complexity of prejudices they may face and will gain the tools necessary to become a more inclusive peer.

Corporate Driven Workshop (ex. Financial Literacy)

Mentees learn basic financial literacy skills with an emphasis on building good credit.

Emanuel was a 20-year-old student in the program. He immigrated to the US when he was seven years old, and was bullied by other kids at school due to his limited English His teacher guided him and stayed after school to help him with his homework. The students that bullied him were white so at a young age he believed all white people were unkind, but his teacher was also white and showed him that was not true. She encouraged Emanuel to be kind to everyone and set him on a positive life path.

Emanuel understood that the Post-18 Workplace Mentoring program was an opportunity for him to gain a mentor in his field of interest. He was drawn to the program because he wanted someone who he can seek advice and support from when it came to employment and experience. He believes it would be a great stepping stone for him. He anticipates the program will give him the tools and skills he needs to be successful in the IT field. He also anticipates he will learn how to sharpen his soft skills. For a mentor, he was looking for someone empathetic, down-to-earth, humble, and kind-hearted.

Little Sister Starlyne is a senior at Rialto High School. She joined the program because she told us, “Through this program I [hope to] connect with a college student and receive advice to be prepared for college. I need the tips [and guidance] because I don’t know anyone who has gone to college.” College Bigs helped her find her match, Tiffany. The two became fast friends, with Tiffany provide the support and guidance that Starlyne has been looking for. Starlyne is very interested in applying for UCLA and recently attended our in-person UCLA trip with Tiffany to learn more. We are excited to see where this match goes in the future.


The Big Brothers Big Sisters Alumni Association provides mentees ages 18 to 24 and their mentors with continued support in their 1:1 relationship and access to our exclusive alumni network, resources, partners and events.

By enrolling in the adult chapter of our mentoring program, mentees and their mentors continue to enjoy the benefits of Big Brothers Big Sisters’ mentoring programs while also unlocking exclusive 18+ resources to help clear their path to achieving postsecondary success, such as:

Exclusive alumni match events , discounts and perks

Exclusive scholarship opportunities to fund your college and career goals

BBBS college and career events and workshops to help both mentees and mentors navigate their future

Continued support from your Match Support Specialist, as well as individualized support from a College & Career Specialist

Access to career mentors, networking opportunities job/internship postings and more!

We're here to help!

To book an in-person consultation with Big Brothers Big Sisters College and Career Specialist Don Nguyen, please email