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Dear Bigs, 

First and foremost, we want to thank you. These are new, uncertain times for everyone and we are grateful for your support and patience as we all look for new ways to make meaningful connections virtually.

While we all miss in-person connection, the safety of our Bigs, Littles and families is our organization’s number one priority. 

We previously issued a strong recommendation for matches to avoid in-person outings and physical contact until further notice. That recommendation is now extended — for the duration of summer, we ask that your communication with your Little remain virtual.  

We will be checking in with all of you on or before Sept. 8 to provide an update on guidelines as we head into fall. 

We recommend matches continue to connect virtually over FaceTime, phone calls and text messages. We have also developed a resource hub for Bigs at As always, your match support specialist also remains a vital resource to help guide you through this time. 

Thank you for being part of our community of volunteers and for continuing to strengthen your relationship with your Little. If you have any questions, please reach out to your match support specialist or contact us at

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Orange County and the Inland Empire maintains liability insurance coverage to protect volunteers while with a child from the program. It is important that you as a volunteer fully understand agency rules and policies. A violation of a rule or policy may limit your right to coverage by the agency’s policy.