Perhaps you’ve heard of slacktivism; that combination of words twists what we in our industry base our lives and careers around (activism) into something to sneer at. Slacker. The name generates images of people turning up their noses at the next generation saying, “You aren’t doing enough. Get off the couch. You don’t care enough.”
For those of you not familiar with the term, slacktivism refers to the act of liking or sharing something related to a cause on social media without showing or even intending on any follow through. It’s just a like. But is it? Experts have been called in, studies have been done, and the consensus is that the act of publicly liking or sharing something gives you the same satisfaction as, say, donating money or giving your time.
This is both true and not true; it’s actually dependent on whether or not the slacktivist behavior is observable by other people (the whole if a tree falls in the woods theory). So, liking a charity organization or sharing an article is going to give people the same satisfaction that donating would. However, doing something anonymously, such as signing a petition, gets people involved in the cause but doesn’t absolve them from the social obligation of giving.
This is only somewhat helpful, though, for those of us trying to run an organization in the digital age. We can’t ignore social media, and those of us on the ground see that it really is a useful tool to connect with people and share stories. In fact, any given slacktivist has more credibility with their network than the organization does; they are helping our brand.
Studies have concluded that despite the bad rap that slacktivism gets, each interaction we have with someone increases the likelihood that they’ll donate, and/or get directly involved with the cause. So you can, in fact, turn slacktivists into big impact people for your organization.
Step 1: Ask for the easy action – Starting with a like or a follow isn’t going to automatically solve the world’s problems, but it’s a step in the right direction. Introducing users to your cause or organization starts them on the right path.
Step 2: Build a relationship – A 2014 study found that private displays of support lead to a stronger emotional bond with that cause. It’s up to you to acknowledge and cultivate that bond by talking directly to your “slacktivist” audience. Educational campaigns can be a great way to educate your new followers about your cause.
Step 3: Move beyond the “Like” – You’ve got a click; now it’s your job to move your audience up the engagement ladder. Ask for a share, and spread your message. Then ask for a small donation.
Step 4: Work up to the big ask – Despite social media’s reputation for a disengaged audience, people who engage with your social media platforms are still more likely to get involved in other ways. In fact, people that engage on social media are two times more likely to volunteer their time than people who don’t.
Step 5: Grow your community – Turn your “slacktivists” into your biggest resource. Connect them to your cause so that they’re as passionate about it as you are, and turn into mouthpieces for your organization. People that become active members of your social media community are three times as likely to solicit donations on behalf of your cause, and they are more than four times as likely to encourage others to sign a petition. With their help, your message can spread to an even larger audience.
High-profile viral campaigns, like 2014’s Ice Bucket Challenge and the flash-in-the-pan #DropandGiveMe10 challenge, popping up on your Facebook newsfeeds now prove that slacktivism can generate revenue and lasting support for your organization. It’s up to you to engage your audience and turn them into champions for your cause.
If you’re interested in championing our cause, go to, and get involved!