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7 Reasons to be a Mentor

7 Reasons to be a Mentor

7 Reasons to be a Mentor

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In life, there are few experiences that are as rewarding as mentoring a young boy or girl. Volunteers in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program constantly mention how their lives changed when they became a mentor. Here are seven reasons to be a mentor.

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1. Change a Life

Being a mentor is a small commitment, but it can have a big impact on a child’s life. In as little as a few hours a week, you can boost a child’s self-esteem; make him or her feel valued; and develop a strong connection with someone who genuinely appreciates your time and effort.

In turn, this helps a child steer away from poor decisions and negative behaviors and helps them be more successful in school and life.

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2. Learn New Skills

Matches are paired together by enrollment and match specialists based on various criteria, but after that, matches plan their own outings. In addition to similar interests like playing video games or window shopping at the mall, you can also try activities that are new for both of you. Together, you can develop interests and passions you never knew you had.

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3. Gain a New Perspective

Kids look at the world in a much different way than adults and bring a new perspective to everyday experiences. For example, when it comes to recent happenings, kids can offer insight that’s much different from your own based on their background, experience and upbringing.
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4. Get Outside of Yourself

Mentoring allows you to step outside of yourself and be there for another individual. You can put your own stresses and worries on hold and take a vested interest in someone else’s life.

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5. Enhance Your Resume

If you have volunteer work listed on your resume or college application, you’re showing potential employers and admission counselors that you’re selfless, care about others and have important core values that make you an asset to a team, organization or institution.

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6. Expand Your Network

In addition to your mentee, you will meet like-minded individuals who care about giving back to the community. Big Brothers Big Sisters hosts myriad events like networking mixers, volunteer opportunities and fundraisers throughout the year that will allow you to meet new people.

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7. Lifelong Friendships

The bond you form with your mentee is much stronger than you realize. Many matches keep in touch with each other for years to come and are there for each other during milestone moments like landing a career, getting married and having a baby. It’s a friendship that can last forever.[/fwp-anim-text][vc_empty_space height=”30px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″ css=”.vc_custom_1467930157820{background-color: #5c2d91 !important;}”][fwp-anim-text animated=”true” animation=”enter right move 10px over 1s after” extra_class=””]

Volunteer Requirements

  • Age 18 or older
  • Orange County resident for at least one month
  • Must be willing to commit at least one year to the program
  • Must have driver’s license/proof of car insurance
  • Must participate in a 90-minute interview
  • Must be willing to undergo a background check which includes fingerprints and DMV records

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Maile Proctor is a full-time blogger and content editor. She writes on fitness and health, lifestyle and family, advice, how-to and more. Maile earned her bachelor’s in broadcast journalism from Chapman University.

