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All-Star Spotlight: Vivian Gonzalez

All-Star Spotlight: Vivian Gonzalez

All-Star Spotlight: Vivian Gonzalez

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Every quarter at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Orange County and the Inland Empire, the agency votes to recognize an outstanding team member who has gone above and beyond.

[/fwp-anim-text][vc_separator][fwp-anim-text extra_class=””]This past quarter, the All-Star is match support specialist Vivian Gonzalez.

Upon graduating from Cal State Fullerton with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 2015, Vivian’s goal was to work for a nonprofit. When a former employee posted about Big Brothers Big Sisters on Facebook, she immediately took the opportunity to become part of the agency. Vivian celebrated her two-year anniversary at the organization in August and is currently a senior match support specialist.[/fwp-anim-text][vc_empty_space height=”6px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1494453248880{background-color: #e5e5e5 !important;}”][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][fwp-anim-text extra_class=””]

Get to know more about Vivian:

[/fwp-anim-text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][fwp-anim-text extra_class=””]Big Brothers Big Sisters has been named one of the best places to work in Orange County by the Orange County Business Journal. What is your favorite part about working at BBBS?

My favorite part about working at BBBS is being part of the RED (retention, engagement, development) committee. We coordinate birthday parties, holiday events, wine socials and even an annual softball game. Our goal is to involve all employees and give them the opportunity to get to know one another. The RED committee sets the culture for Big Brothers Big Sisters and makes the work environment more positive—we balance work and life with having fun! [/fwp-anim-text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][fwp-anim-text extra_class=””]What do you enjoy about being a match support specialist?

I love being involved with the matches I’m assigned to. It makes my day when they send me selfies or message me about their recent outings! Some Bigs and Littles will text me on their own time about their lives and accomplishments, from an anniversary trip to Disneyland to a prom dress! The fact that they want me as a part of their relationship makes my job beyond rewarding. [/fwp-anim-text][fwp-anim-text extra_class=””]Who are your mentors?

Janeth, my coworker. She was a senior match support specialist before I became one and she got me to where I am today! I also admire a woman named Inez who serves as the director of the Latino Communications Initiative at Cal State Fullerton. She is so willing to help and does an unbelievable of service for the community. [/fwp-anim-text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][fwp-anim-text extra_class=””]

Fun facts: Vivian loves concerts and attends at least one each month. She adores Beyonce and has seen her perform twice! Vivian aspires to be a Big Sister once her biological sister turns 18. She enjoys softball, reading, going to the beach and attending Angel and Ducks games.

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