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Congratulations to Our 2016 Bigs of the Year!

Congratulations to Our 2016 Bigs of the Year!

Congratulations to Our 2016 Bigs of the Year!

Jan. 21 is nationally recognized as Thank Your Mentor Day, part of National Mentoring Month. On this special day, we’d like to extend a BIG thank you to all of our mentors who dedicate their time and energy to helping a child achieve his or her full potential.

Throughout the month, we’ve also recognized our Bigs of the Year nominees—men and women who go above and beyond to ensure their Littles are on-track to graduate this June.  Two individuals are being recognized by our local agency today as our Big Brother and Big Sister of the Year.



Big Brother Michael Keyser and Little Brother Jorge Calderon (2)Big Brother of the Year Michael Keyser has spent three years helping Little Brother Jorge discover his own definition of success and taught him that it’s OK to be different. Jorge struggled with controlling his emotions, and isolation from his family led to depression and loss of hope for the future. Since 2012, Michael was there for every challenge and obstacle, and helped secure necessary resources for Jorge to get back on track and feel in control of his life.

“Jorge showed patience as I learned to be a mentor, and we built trust. Over time, he began to let me into his world,” Michael says. “My role became clearer: As a mentor, I’m here to support his individual growth and to challenge him to follow a life path based on his own definition of success.”




Quincenara 8.2.13Big Sister of the Year Laura Stahlberg has dedicated six years to mentoring Little Sister America. When America’s mother, a non-English speaker, had trouble navigating through the educational system, Laura stepped in to communicate with her teachers and ensured America was on the right track. With Laura’s help, America is successfully enrolled in an ROP class in the medical field, has an internship and a part-time job, and even volunteers with Big Brothers Big Sisters in the High School Bigs program.

“Over the past six years, America and I have engaged in conversation about everything from drugs and bullying to the importance of a quinceañera in her culture,” says Laura, who helped arrange a small quinceañera celebration when she learned America’s mother could not afford one. “To be chosen as the agency’s Big Sister of the Year is an accolade I share with America; she is the inspiration for all that we’ve experienced and worked toward together. The impact we have had on each other’s lives has been profound, and we both know that we’ll always be connected no matter where our lives take us.”



Other Bigs of the Year nominees for 2016 include:

  • Angelica Ayon
  • Rocky Berlanga
  • Brian Brady
  • Joshua Cornejo
  • Monica de la Cruz
  • Kenneth Francis
  • Art Grichine
  • Joe Kaslowski
  • Joan Howard
  • Jacqueline Mejia
  • Lorri St. Clair
  • Nataki Davis (Inland Empire)
  • Louis Kovacs (Inland Empire)


To all of our mentors, thank you again for being positive role models for children in our community!


