Little Brother: Brian
Brian, 9, wanted someone to hang out with and have fun. His older sister, Samantha, has been involved in Big Brothers Big Sisters for the past two years, and always comes home with an exciting story to tell her brother about her adventures with her Big Sister. A mentor would not only provide Brian with a sense of guidance but also expose him to new things. He was hoping to be matched with a Big Brother who is active, outgoing and sporty.
Big Brother: Matthew
Matthew discovered Big Brothers Big Sisters through a friend who is currently involved as a Big Couple match.
The eldest of three siblings, Matthew is easygoing and loves to make people laugh. He felt the call to sign up because he shares a passion for helping others, particularly children in need. He has experience working with kids as an interactor at the Discovery Cube of Orange County. Matthew wants to see a child become confident with himself and aspire to achieve many great accomplishments in life.
Matthew and Brian were matched on April 12, 2018.
Both love to play video games and try new things. They had a great time on their first outing at the Discovery Cube, and look forward to planning more exciting activities together.
New friendships—like Matthew and Brian’s—would not be possible without the ongoing support of Big Brothers Big Sisters’ community of Match Makers.
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