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On the Wait List

On the Wait List

On the Wait List

For every child who walks through our doors in need of a mentor, we need a qualified volunteer right behind them to be their mentor. Most of the kids who enroll in our programs at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Orange County and the Inland Empire wait several months to be matched with a mentor.

Currently, there are 200 kids on the wait list. Of those 200, 160 are young boys (due to a higher number of female volunteers who become mentors to girls). The children in our program come from diverse backgrounds, neighborhoods, ethnicities, and span from 6 to 18 years old. Today, we’d like to introduce you to two kids—one girl and one boy—who need a mentor in their life.

Robert, age 8
On the wait list for 7 months

Robert’s biological father isn’t in his life. He also doesn’t have many friends. The best part about having a Big Brother, according to Robert, would be to have someone to play with him. He’s never been to an arcade before but loves video games, he’s a big fan of the Angels, and he wants a Big Brother to be his friend and help him make more friends.

Brianna, age 7
On the wait list for 2.5 months

Brianna is the youngest in her family—she has two older step-brothers—and is also the only girl. She loves animals and hopes to have a pet (a dog or a bunny) one day. Until then, she says she would love to go to the zoo with a Big Sister. Some of her favorite activities are playing soccer and swimming. She can’t wait to have a Big Sister who will take her to fun, new places!


We are in need of more volunteers to be mentors to kids like Robert and Brianna who come to Big Brothers Big Sisters. Sign up today at
