Kelsey and Arely have been matched for the past 2.5 years through Big Brothers Big Sisters’ Workplace Mentoring program that currently serves more than 200 youth annually with 10 corporate partners. The program provides local corporations an opportunity for employees to mentor high school students in one-to-one facilitated sessions that a focus on career exploration, relationship-building and college readiness.
Arely entered the program when she was in tenth grade; she was motivated by her goal of attending a four-year university upon graduation and needed some guidance and help to get there.
Arely was matched with her mentor Kelsey, an accountant at KPMG. From the beginning of their match, Kelsey has provided great strength, leadership and advice to Arely. In addition to their monthly sessions, Kelsey went above and beyond to show her support by following up with Arely regarding all of her tests, projects and grades. Through the program’s “Lunch with your Little” initiative, she also visited Arely at her school to have lunch together and even attended her sporting events and award ceremonies.
During a Workplace Mentoring session last year, Arely learned to put together a resume and practiced interviewing skills with Kelsey. She was then able to land a part-time job at a boutique in Costa Mesa. Now a senior, Arely is more confident about her future thanks to Kelsey’s mentorship and can’t wait to start receiving acceptance letters from the universities she is applying to.
“Kelsey exemplifies a volunteer’s commitment to serve and invest into her Little Sister Arely’s life. Arely will be the next generation of women leaders thanks to Kelsey’s mentorship.” -Latilla Cain, program specialist
– Written by Karol Perdomo